Pet Check-in

Pet Check-in

Pets cannot be carried in-flight. Passengers pay a separate fee to check-in their pets in the same way as checked baggage. Star Flyer allows passengers to check-in only tame pets that are small dogs, cats and small birds.

Passengers may not be able to check-in pets depending on cargo compartment space and the aircraft; passengers planning to check-in pets are asked to call the SF Call Center (Japan domestic flight reservation and information center).

Passengers who will check-in a pet are required to submit a consent form.
Print it, fill it out, sign it and present it on the day you board your flight.
To allow time for the consent form to be checked, we ask that you come to the baggage counter with your pet at least 30 minutes prior to the departure time of your flight.

Transport environment of the aircraft

  • 1
    Temperature and humidity
    Inside the cargo compartment, air is conditioned to maintain the same environment as inside the passenger cabin, but the compartment is subject to the effects of reflected heat from the hardstand in summer when it is being loaded and prepared, and may become a higher temperature than outdoors. The winter season also presents tough temperature environments.
  • 2
    Lighting (Brightness)
    During flight, lighting is turned off to create a dark cargo compartment.
  • 3
    Pets may hear device operation sounds and wind noise during flight or while taking off and landing.

Information about Keeping Pets Cool

Staff works to transport pets inside the compartment or place them in a shaded environment whenever possible, but in the high temperature/high humidity environment of summer, we request that you avoid transporting pets during the afternoon hours whenever possible, and choose the cool hours of morning or evening instead. Please pay particular attention to the season and timeframe when transporting small dogs and older dogs who are sensitive to heat

You may not provide drinking water or food inside the pet cages. We ask that you use a cage that can be securely fastened and contains a nozzle-type waterer that will not leak as a result of shaking or vibration. During the summer season (May 1 - October 31), we offer a service that attaches ice packs and waterers to cages. Please inform an airport staff if you wish to receive these.

We will no longer check the following dog species during the May 1 - October 31 period.

Dog breeds

Bulldog, French bulldog, boxer, Shih Tzu, terriers (Boston terrier, bulldog terrier) spaniels (Kings Charles spaniel, Tibetan spaniel), Brussels Griffon, chow chow, pug, Japanese spaniel, Pekingese (13 breeds)

  • *
    We will check-in all dog breeds with similar names other than the above.

Check-In Fees

One cage will cost JPY6,500 for 1 route on all routes. When you check in a pet, pay the pet fee at the check-in counter.

Borrowing Cages

If the cage a passenger is using does not lock, you may use our company’s cage (at no cost) to check-in your pet.
If the cage you have brought is made of wood, cloth or rattan, we ask that you use our company’s cages, even if these cages lock.
To check-in a pet, arrive at least 30 minutes prior to departure time.

You can choose from the following sizes of cage.

  • *
    Note that as there are a limited number available, we may not be able to meet your request.
Size Length Width Height
S 41cm 53cm 38cm
M 51cm 69cm 47.5cm
L 61cm 91cm 66cm

Reserve flight

Select on the Calendar
1(Age 12+)
0(Age 3-11)
0(Age 0-2)

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Customers with a ticket reservation

Customers who have completed their reservations can view the details of their reservations from the following list of reservations, and can change or cancel a seat reservation.

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